Medifulya Health Services; Tube Stomach Surgery. BizWear is an organization with a health tourism certificate, established by Medifulya Health Services to serve those who have health problems due to obesity. We offer health services, including hotel accommodation and transfer, to our patients who want to receive services in Tube Stomach Surgery, Gastric Bypass Surgery, Obesity Surgery, Gastric Balloon. We provide services to all our patients who want to get rid of their excess weight in Turkey, with our contracted private hospitals and doctors, in the intertwined areas of Istanbul and Antalya.
How Do WeWork? What is All-InclusiveHealthCare?
Ouraim is not onlytoprovideyouwithmedicalservices but alsotomakeyour time in Turkeysafeandvaluable. Wecombinedtheprovision of medicalserviceswithaccommodationandtransportation, thankstothe network wehavecreated on issuesthatmaycauseloss of safety, time, andmoneyforyou. Thus, instead of wasting time with transportation and accommodation in Turkey, you will be able to enjoy Turkey.We Welcome You from the Airport with VIP Vehicles. We Provide Transportation To The Hospital Orhotel according to your treatment program. We organize your transportation between the hotel and the hospital during your entire treatment, andwhenyourtreatment is completed, wedropyouoff at theairporttoreturntoyourcountry. Inordertobenefitfromalltheseservices, allyouhaveto do is contactourcallcenteranddecide on yourtreatment plan withourexpertteam. ThankyouforchoosingMedifulyaHealth Services…